퇴실자 후기
male 20's
female 20's
ボーダレスハウスで過ごす日々はとても楽しかったです!夜にみんなでリビングでお話しするのがとても大切な思い出になりました。中国語で喋る良い環境で、海外の文化を知ることができました。 在 Borderless House 的日子非常愉快!晚上大家在客廳聊天的時光成為了非常珍貴的回憶。在這裡,我能在良好的中文環境中交流,並且了解了不同的國外文化。
female 20's
I really liked that my housemates were friends :) 我很喜歡我的室友們都是朋友 :)
male 20's
如果你不排斥跟別人分享房間,那你一定會愛上這樣的共居空間!在公共空間的交流是最開心的~ If you're open to sharing a room with others, you'll definitely fall in love with this communal living space! The interactions in the common areas are the most enjoyable.
female 20's
I was able to meet a lot of friends from other countries, and got more comfortable communicating in other languages. Many of my housemates do not speak English, so we communicate in Korean or Chinese, and it expanded my ability to make friends a lot!
female 20's
Be open to speaking or learning new languages! People are very respectful of your space so remember to respect theirs too. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!
female 20's
Though it was only a month but it’s an unforgettable memory. Appreciate all the roomies and staffs I met here. See y’all! 雖然只短住一個月,但留下了難忘的回憶!很感謝所有遇到的室友以及員工們,我們之後再見!!!
female 20's
ボーダレスハウスで本当に大好きな人達に出逢えました! 皆と毎日お家でお話しさたり、旅行に行った思い出は私の人生の宝物になりました! そういった人達に逢えるかどうかは運次第で、ボーダレスハウスに入れば絶対楽しいという訳でもないと思います。でも、私はその人達のおかげで毎日が最高に楽しかったです。 これから住む方達も充実した台湾生活を打送れるよう願っています! 在Borderless House,我真的遇到了我非常喜歡的人們! 每天與大家在家中交談,以及一起旅行的回憶已經成為我生活中的寶藏! 能否遇到這樣的人們取決於運氣,我認為進入Borderless House並不一定就會很有趣。但是,多虧了這些人,我的每一天都過得非常開心。 我希望將來也能有人們過上充實的台灣生活!
male 30's
It was an excellent journey with Borderless. Look forward to cross path with them anytime in the future. 這是一段與Borderless House共度的美好旅程。 期待在未來的任何時刻再次與他們相遇。
female 30's
國際交流機會難得,人們相處愉快😀跟室友一起玩很開心🥳也是很好的認識朋友的一段時間,希望未來有機會還可以跟大家相聚,相互幫忙,會是很難得的回憶!! International exchange opportunities are rare, and people get along happily. 😀 It was a joy to spend time with roommates and have fun together. 🥳 It was also a great time to make new friends. I hope to have the chance to reunite with everyone in the future, help each other out, and create cherished memories.
male 20's
Thank you everyone at Borderless House for this great experience. The living arrangements you have placed at the house I was at was the best I could ask for. Couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Wait for me, I will return :) 謝謝Borderless House的大家,讓我擁有了如此美好的回憶。 你們為我安排的住宿條件是我所期望的最好的。 再好的經歷都比不上這次的體驗。 請等我,我會回來的 :)!!!
female 20's
きた時はめっちゃ不安でしたけど、日本語で問い合わせしても返信してくれたり、不安なことは、いつでも聞ける環境があるので、はじめての留学も問題なく、楽しい日々を過ごせました。ありがとうございました。 我剛來時非常焦慮,但他們用日語回答了我的詢問,我可以隨時向他們詢問我所擔心的事情,所以我能夠順利地享受我的第一次留學。 非常感謝你們!
female 20's
住在這裡很方便,室友們也都很友善!很開心可以認識不同國家的朋友!!! It's very convenient to live here, and the roommates are very friendly! It's great to meet people from different countries!
female 20's
female 20's
Because housemates around you will share information with you when you start living here , I think you will feel safer than if you were to start living in a foreign country alone!
male 20's
是一次新的體驗,學習到很多,如果你想要交朋友、練習國外語言,這裡是你的最佳選擇。這一切都是新奇的,你必然獲得許多,我很幸運的在這段時間過得很好,遇到好的人、好的室友、好的時間,還有好的年歲,我必然不會忘記這裡,以及所有我遇到的人,而這勢必也將成長我許多。謝謝你們。 If you want to make friends and practice foreign languages, this is the place for you. It's all new, you're bound to get a lot out of it, and I've been lucky enough to have a good time, meet good people, good roommates, good times, and good years, and I'm sure I'll never forget this place and all the people I've met, and it's bound to grow on me a lot. Thank you all.
female 20's
Living in a share house is a great experience for anyone looking to make connections with people from different countries and local Taiwanese people. Plus the house is in a very convenient area!
female 20's
male 20's
Hsin Yu
female 20's
在這裡度過了難忘的一小段日子,認識了來自不同地方、不同背景的人,好捨不得離開噢~希望大家學業、就業一切順利,未來有機會能夠再一起吃飯聊天,謝謝這兩個多月的照顧! I spent an unforgettable short time here. I met people from different places and backgrounds, so I couldn’t bear to leave~ I hope you all go well in your studies and employment. I have the opportunity to have a meal and chat again in the future. Thank you for these two months. Take care of!
male 20's
這五個月下來, 很好的住宿體驗! For these five months, it was a nice experience.
female 20's
같이 사는 사람들 모두 좋았고 재밌는 경험이었어요! 근처에선 젤 깔끔하고 시설도 좋은 것 같아요-! 추천합니다:)
male 20's
female 20's
female 20's
2개월동안 편하고 싸게 잘 지냈습니다! 매달 스텝들이 청소 검사하고 도와주셔서 불편함 없이 잘 지낼 수 있었습니다! 타이베이 중심가에서 쉐어하우스로 묵어서 더 싸고 많은 친구들과 교류할 수 있어서 좋았어요
female 20's
Borderless Housing was an amazing experience. I got to meet so many friends through this program and it made my study abroad experience in Taiwan 1000 times better. Everyone on the staff is super nice and helpful. I definitely recommend borderless housing to make your abroad experience a special one~
female 20's
female 20's
It's a comfortable place. It's better when people is in the same place. It's located in very convenient area. It's also nice to meet people with different countries.
female 10's
Staying in Taipower 5 was one of the best decisions I made! Great location, even better people.
female 20's
我很開心在台灣認識很多朋友,謝謝BORDERLESS HOUSE!
male 20's
Taipower building5 is a great location for NTU students .Studying at NTU's GongGuan classroom. Most buses wil take you from home to class in 5 mins. A nearby park is at your doorstep which is idea for those seeking green spaces. The BORDERLESS HOUSE staffs are really helpful! One of them being a previous tenant at Taipower5. They organize language exchange between a student from another and I. I enjoyed my 3 months stay here.I would recommend this house for the large common area and location. If you look forward to travelling with flatmates, you should choose BORDERLESS HOUSE.
male 20's
It was a pleasure to live in Borderless House. I've met so many good friends here!! Thank you all.
male 20's
female 20's
我們可以最容易了解不同的文化,生活習慣 We can most easily understand different cultures and lifestyles.