쉐어하우스 검색
쉐어하우스 검색
라인에서 상담하기
입주 조건이 확정되지 않으셨다면 상담을 추천드립니다!


  • 여성×대만 국적


Technology Building 2 share house is located in a quiet residential area in Daan district. There is no elevator in this apartment, but it has a spacious public space. The interior of the building is mainly decorated with wood and has a somewhat vintage atmosphere. All the needs of daily life can be found nearby! In addition to supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants, there is also a popular Shida Night Market nearby. You don't have to worry about not having a place to go at night! It takes 7 mins from Technology Building station and 10 mins from Daan station. Moreover, there is a YouBike station just 2-3 mins from the apartment and you can go to your school easily by YouBike! If you want to have a different life experience in Taipei and make friends from all over the world, please don't hesitate to join us!

From Daan station
- Dongmen station: 3 mins
- Taipei Main station: 10 mins
- Guting station: 7 mins

  • Daan・Xinyi-Anhe 지역
  • Technology building Station, Wenhu Line, 7 mins
  • 보더리스 패밀리 멤버 개 국 명 입주중!
  • Apartment Type
  • 4~9인
  • 욕조있음
  • 남녀공용하우스
  • 금연하우스




※사진은 오픈당시에 촬영한 사진입니다.

오시는 길

sharehouse access map

인근 지하철역

  • Technology building Station, Wenhu Line, 7 mins
  • Daan Station, Tamsui–Xinyi line, 10 mins

구조 및 설비

공유 공간

  • 텔레비전
  • 고속무료인터넷
  • 잠금 사물함
  • Toaster
  • 전자렌지
  • 샤워실 2곳
  • 냉장고
  • 화장실 2곳
  • 전기밥솥
  • 세탁기

각 룸

  • 무선 고속 인터넷
  • 이불은 지참하시거나 없는 경우는 구매 가능합니다.(가격은 문의해주세요.)
  • 에어컨
  • 침대/ 책장 / 의류 수납고
  • 책상/의자/책상조명

공실 정보

※여름철 전기 소비량이 많아져 5월부터 10월까지의 광열비는 1,200 NTD입니다.
※임대료는 계약 선택에 따라 다를 수 있으니, 예약 전에 반드시 【임대료 및 임대차 규정】을 확인해 주십시오.
현 입주자 정보상황입주가능일모객 국적신청
3인실15.8㎡여성NT$ 9,500NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
嗨~我是來自日本的留學生,目前在師大念華語系,因為我喜歡學習外語,也喜歡跟來自不同國家的人交流而決定了住在BORDERLESS HOUSE,希望在這裡交新朋友!

嗨~我是來自日本的留學生,目前在師大念華語系,因為我喜歡學習外語,也喜歡跟來自不同國家的人交流而決定了住在BORDERLESS HOUSE,希望在這裡交新朋友! Hi~ I’m an international student from Japan, currently studying in the Chinese Language Department at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). I decided to live in BORDERLESS HOUSE because I love learning foreign languages and enjoy interacting with people from different countries. I hope to make new friends here!

NT$ 9,500NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
Hi, I am an exchange student studying civil engineering at NTU for the spring semester. I am originally from Los Angeles but currently attend Georgia Tech back in the United States. I wanted to meet new people from around the world, and Borderless House seemed like the perfect way! I enjoy baking, playing basketball, and hiking, and overall am pretty social. Half of my family is originally from Taiwan, so I wanted to improve my Mandarin and learn more about the culture.

Hi, I am an exchange student studying civil engineering at NTU for the spring semester. I am originally from Los Angeles but currently attend Georgia Tech back in the United States. I wanted to meet new people from around the world, and Borderless House seemed like the perfect way! I enjoy baking, playing basketball, and hiking, and overall am pretty social. Half of my family is originally from Taiwan, so I wanted to improve my Mandarin and learn more about the culture. 嗨,我是來自洛杉磯的交換學生,目前在台灣大學攻讀土木工程的春季學期。我目前就讀於美國的喬治亞理工學院。我希望能認識來自世界各地的新朋友,而Borderless House對我來說是個完美的選擇!我喜歡烘焙、打籃球和健行,總的來說,我是個很喜歡社交的人。我的一半家庭來自台灣,因此我希望能提高我的中文並了解更多關於台灣文化的知識。

NT$ 9,500NT$ 800

공실 예정

2025.03.16대만국적입주신청견학 예약
嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。

嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。 Hi everyone! I'm a working professional who enjoys spending weekends at home binge-watching shows, doing crafts, or going grocery shopping and visiting markets. Two years ago, I had a brief stay at a borderless house and had an unforgettable experience. I hope this time in Taipei I can meet people from various backgrounds and have a peaceful and fulfilling life together.

1인실11.5㎡제한 없음NT$ 15,800NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
嗨,大家好!我叫 K,擔任軟體產品經理。我的目標是將來在國際之間工作,並且我熱衷於培養我的英語能力,這就是我選擇Borderless House的原因。生活在一個文化多元的環境讓我感到很興奮!除了英語之外,我還會說一點日本語,期待與大家交流想法和經驗。謝謝!

嗨,大家好!我叫 K,擔任軟體產品經理。我的目標是將來在國際之間工作,並且我熱衷於培養我的英語能力,這就是我選擇Borderless House的原因。生活在一個文化多元的環境讓我感到很興奮!除了英語之外,我還會說一點日本語,期待與大家交流想法和經驗。謝謝! Hi Guys! My name is K, and I work as a Software Product Manager. My goal is to work internationally in the future, and I'm keen on cultivating my English skills starting now, which is why I chose Borderless House. The idea of living in a community where boundaries blur and cultures meet excites me, as it aligns with my aspirations. Besides English, I also speak a bit of 日本語 and look forward to exchanging ideas and experiences with everyone here. Cheers!

2인실12.3㎡남성NT$ 10,000NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
大家好,我是 Mario。 目前在公家機關工作,興趣是單車、電影和旅遊。 曾在歐語國家居住一小段時間,也藉由這個機會認識一些地方,希望有機會能夠互相和大家交流也非常高興認識大家~

大家好,我是 Mario。 目前在公家機關工作,興趣是單車、電影和旅遊。 曾在歐語國家居住一小段時間,也藉由這個機會認識一些地方,希望有機會能夠互相和大家交流也非常高興認識大家~ Hello everyone, I'm Mario. Currently, I work in a public institution and my interests include cycling, movies, and traveling. I have lived in European countries for a short period of time, and through this experience, I've gotten to know some places. I hope to have the opportunity to interact with everyone and I'm very happy to meet you all~

NT$ 10,000NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
Hello everyone! I am a student at NTNU's MTC studying Mandarin. I chose Borderless House because they offered convenient accommodations close to NTNU, and because I am interested in living with roommates from a variety of backgrounds! My hobbies include exploring new things, playing badminton and ping pong, and talking with friends. My undergraduate degree was in history, and I am studying Mandarin because I am deeply interested in the history, culture, and languages of East Asia in particular. I chose to study in Taiwan because I believe there are many interesting opportunities here, and that I can learn a lot from this exciting new environment. I hope to talk to you all soon!

Hello everyone! I am a student at NTNU's MTC studying Mandarin. I chose Borderless House because they offered convenient accommodations close to NTNU, and because I am interested in living with roommates from a variety of backgrounds! My hobbies include exploring new things, playing badminton and ping pong, and talking with friends. My undergraduate degree was in history, and I am studying Mandarin because I am deeply interested in the history, culture, and languages of East Asia in particular. I chose to study in Taiwan because I believe there are many interesting opportunities here, and that I can learn a lot from this exciting new environment. I hope to talk to you all soon! 大家好!我是台灣師範大學國際華語中心的學生,正在學習中文。我選擇Borderless House是因為它提供了方便的住宿,離師範大學很近,而且我對和來自不同背景的室友一起生活很感興趣!我的興趣包括探索新事物、打羽毛球和乒乓球,以及和朋友聊天。我本科主修歷史,學習普通話是因為我對東亞的歷史、文化和語言特別感興趣。我選擇在台灣學習,是因為我相信這裡有很多有趣的機會,我可以從這個激動人心的新環境中學到很多東西。希望很快能和大家聊天!

3인실15.3㎡여성NT$ 9,400NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
My name is Alisson, at the moment I am a student. I chose Borderless House, because I consider that is a way not only to be able to find a place for living in Taiwan but also an experience of being able to share with other people, also an opportunity to learn from others. Some of my interests are drawing, painting and reading. I am a very responsible, kind, courteous and orderly person. I always try to be helpful to others and be able to know and listen to my surroundings. My purpose of studying in Taiwan is to learn mandarin Chinese and also to get my degree, this is a great opportunity for me, because it will allow me to grow academically as well as know a different culture.

Hi, I am a student. I chose Borderless House, because I consider that is a way not only to be able to find a place for living in Taiwan but also an experience of being able to share with other people, also an opportunity to learn from others. Some of my interests are drawing, painting and reading. I am a very responsible, kind, courteous and orderly person. I always try to be helpful to others and be able to know and listen to my surroundings. My purpose of studying in Taiwan is to learn mandarin Chinese and also to get my degree, this is a great opportunity for me, because it will allow me to grow academically as well as know a different culture. 我是一名學生。我選擇 Borderless House,因為我認為這不僅是一個在台灣找到住所的方式,更是一個能與其他人分享經驗的機會,也是一個向他人學習的機會。我的一些興趣包括繪畫、畫畫和閱讀。我是一個非常負責任、善良、有禮貌且有條理的人。我總是盡力幫助他人,並能夠了解和傾聽周圍的環境。我在台灣學習的目的是學習中文並獲得我的學位,這對我來說是一個很好的機會,因為它不僅能讓我在學術上成長,還能了解不同的文化。

NT$ 9,400NT$ 800


지금 바로대만국적입주신청견학 예약
NT$ 9,400NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약

你們好!:)我是一名大學生,正在學習中文和中國通商學。在台灣,我打算在語言中心學習中文。我希望能有機會和外國朋友說中文。我有一次來台灣旅遊,覺得這個城市是很迷人的。我從十九歲開始在咖啡廳打工,非常喜歡咖啡和茶。所以我對台灣的茶文化很感興趣。而且我非常喜歡看書和參加公益活動。我說的中文還不太好,不過我期待在台灣創造開心的回憶。 Hello! :) I am a university student studying Chinese and Chinese Business. In Taiwan, I plan to study Chinese at a language center. I hope to have the opportunity to speak Chinese with foreign friends. I once visited Taiwan as a tourist and found the city very charming. I started working at a café when I was nineteen and really enjoy coffee and tea. That's why I am very interested in Taiwan's tea culture. I also love reading books and participating in public welfare activities. My Chinese is still not very good, but I look forward to creating happy memories in Taiwan.

현 입주자 정보상황입주가능일모객 국적신청
3인실9.8㎡여성NT$ 9,500NT$ 800

공실 예정

2025.03.16대만국적입주신청견학 예약
嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。

嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。 Hi everyone! I'm a working professional who enjoys spending weekends at home binge-watching shows, doing crafts, or going grocery shopping and visiting markets. Two years ago, I had a brief stay at a borderless house and had an unforgettable experience. I hope this time in Taipei I can meet people from various backgrounds and have a peaceful and fulfilling life together.

3인실15.3㎡여성NT$ 9,400NT$ 800


지금 바로대만국적입주신청견학 예약

※여름철 전기 소비량이 많아져 5월부터 10월까지의 광열비는 1,200 NTD입니다.


NT$ 9,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800

공실 예정

방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。계속 읽기

嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。 Hi everyone! I'm a working professional who enjoys spending weekends at home binge-watching shows, doing crafts, or going grocery shopping and visiting markets. Two years ago, I had a brief stay at a borderless house and had an unforgettable experience. I hope this time in Taipei I can meet people from various backgrounds and have a peaceful and fulfilling life together.


NT$ 9,400

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적




지금 바로

현 입주자 정보


NT$ 9,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

嗨~我是來自日本的留學生,目前在師大念華語系,因為我喜歡學習外語,也喜歡跟來自不同國家的人交流而決定了住在BORDERLESS HOUSE,希望在這裡交新朋友!계속 읽기

嗨~我是來自日本的留學生,目前在師大念華語系,因為我喜歡學習外語,也喜歡跟來自不同國家的人交流而決定了住在BORDERLESS HOUSE,希望在這裡交新朋友! Hi~ I’m an international student from Japan, currently studying in the Chinese Language Department at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). I decided to live in BORDERLESS HOUSE because I love learning foreign languages and enjoy interacting with people from different countries. I hope to make new friends here!


NT$ 9,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

Hi, I am an exchange student studying civil engineering at NTU for the spring semester. I am originally from Los Angeles but currently attend Georgia Tech back in the United States. I wanted to meet new people from around the world, and Borderless House seemed like the perfect way! I enjoy baking, playing basketball, and hiking, and overall am pretty social. Half of my family is originally from Taiwan, so I wanted to improve my Mandarin and learn more about the culture.계속 읽기

Hi, I am an exchange student studying civil engineering at NTU for the spring semester. I am originally from Los Angeles but currently attend Georgia Tech back in the United States. I wanted to meet new people from around the world, and Borderless House seemed like the perfect way! I enjoy baking, playing basketball, and hiking, and overall am pretty social. Half of my family is originally from Taiwan, so I wanted to improve my Mandarin and learn more about the culture. 嗨,我是來自洛杉磯的交換學生,目前在台灣大學攻讀土木工程的春季學期。我目前就讀於美國的喬治亞理工學院。我希望能認識來自世界各地的新朋友,而Borderless House對我來說是個完美的選擇!我喜歡烘焙、打籃球和健行,總的來說,我是個很喜歡社交的人。我的一半家庭來自台灣,因此我希望能提高我的中文並了解更多關於台灣文化的知識。


NT$ 9,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800

공실 예정

방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。계속 읽기

嗨大家!我是一個上班族,休息日喜歡在家追劇、作手工,或去逛超市、市場。兩年前曾短暫住在borderless house,有一段難忘的經驗。希望這次的台北生活也可以認識各種背景的人,一起度過和平又充實的生活。 Hi everyone! I'm a working professional who enjoys spending weekends at home binge-watching shows, doing crafts, or going grocery shopping and visiting markets. Two years ago, I had a brief stay at a borderless house and had an unforgettable experience. I hope this time in Taipei I can meet people from various backgrounds and have a peaceful and fulfilling life together.


NT$ 15,800

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입1인실
성별제한 없음
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

嗨,大家好!我叫 K,擔任軟體產品經理。我的目標是將來在國際之間工作,並且我熱衷於培養我的英語能力,這就是我選擇Borderless House的原因。生活在一個文化多元的環境讓我感到很興奮!除了英語之外,我還會說一點日本語,期待與大家交流想法和經驗。謝謝!계속 읽기

嗨,大家好!我叫 K,擔任軟體產品經理。我的目標是將來在國際之間工作,並且我熱衷於培養我的英語能力,這就是我選擇Borderless House的原因。生活在一個文化多元的環境讓我感到很興奮!除了英語之外,我還會說一點日本語,期待與大家交流想法和經驗。謝謝! Hi Guys! My name is K, and I work as a Software Product Manager. My goal is to work internationally in the future, and I'm keen on cultivating my English skills starting now, which is why I chose Borderless House. The idea of living in a community where boundaries blur and cultures meet excites me, as it aligns with my aspirations. Besides English, I also speak a bit of 日本語 and look forward to exchanging ideas and experiences with everyone here. Cheers!


NT$ 10,000

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입2인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

大家好,我是 Mario。 目前在公家機關工作,興趣是單車、電影和旅遊。 曾在歐語國家居住一小段時間,也藉由這個機會認識一些地方,希望有機會能夠互相和大家交流也非常高興認識大家~계속 읽기

大家好,我是 Mario。 目前在公家機關工作,興趣是單車、電影和旅遊。 曾在歐語國家居住一小段時間,也藉由這個機會認識一些地方,希望有機會能夠互相和大家交流也非常高興認識大家~ Hello everyone, I'm Mario. Currently, I work in a public institution and my interests include cycling, movies, and traveling. I have lived in European countries for a short period of time, and through this experience, I've gotten to know some places. I hope to have the opportunity to interact with everyone and I'm very happy to meet you all~


NT$ 10,000

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입2인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

Hello everyone! I am a student at NTNU's MTC studying Mandarin. I chose Borderless House because they offered convenient accommodations close to NTNU, and because I am interested in living with roommates from a variety of backgrounds! My hobbies include exploring new things, playing badminton and ping pong, and talking with friends. My undergraduate degree was in history, and I am studying Mandarin because I am deeply interested in the history, culture, and languages of East Asia in particular. I chose to study in Taiwan because I believe there are many interesting opportunities here, and that I can learn a lot from this exciting new environment. I hope to talk to you all soon!계속 읽기

Hello everyone! I am a student at NTNU's MTC studying Mandarin. I chose Borderless House because they offered convenient accommodations close to NTNU, and because I am interested in living with roommates from a variety of backgrounds! My hobbies include exploring new things, playing badminton and ping pong, and talking with friends. My undergraduate degree was in history, and I am studying Mandarin because I am deeply interested in the history, culture, and languages of East Asia in particular. I chose to study in Taiwan because I believe there are many interesting opportunities here, and that I can learn a lot from this exciting new environment. I hope to talk to you all soon! 大家好!我是台灣師範大學國際華語中心的學生,正在學習中文。我選擇Borderless House是因為它提供了方便的住宿,離師範大學很近,而且我對和來自不同背景的室友一起生活很感興趣!我的興趣包括探索新事物、打羽毛球和乒乓球,以及和朋友聊天。我本科主修歷史,學習普通話是因為我對東亞的歷史、文化和語言特別感興趣。我選擇在台灣學習,是因為我相信這裡有很多有趣的機會,我可以從這個激動人心的新環境中學到很多東西。希望很快能和大家聊天!


NT$ 9,400

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

My name is Alisson, at the moment I am a student. I chose Borderless House, because I consider that is a way not only to be able to find a place for living in Taiwan but also an experience of being able to share with other people, also an opportunity to learn from others. Some of my interests are drawing, painting and reading. I am a very responsible, kind, courteous and orderly person. I always try to be helpful to others and be able to know and listen to my surroundings. My purpose of studying in Taiwan is to learn mandarin Chinese and also to get my degree, this is a great opportunity for me, because it will allow me to grow academically as well as know a different culture.계속 읽기

Hi, I am a student. I chose Borderless House, because I consider that is a way not only to be able to find a place for living in Taiwan but also an experience of being able to share with other people, also an opportunity to learn from others. Some of my interests are drawing, painting and reading. I am a very responsible, kind, courteous and orderly person. I always try to be helpful to others and be able to know and listen to my surroundings. My purpose of studying in Taiwan is to learn mandarin Chinese and also to get my degree, this is a great opportunity for me, because it will allow me to grow academically as well as know a different culture. 我是一名學生。我選擇 Borderless House,因為我認為這不僅是一個在台灣找到住所的方式,更是一個能與其他人分享經驗的機會,也是一個向他人學習的機會。我的一些興趣包括繪畫、畫畫和閱讀。我是一個非常負責任、善良、有禮貌且有條理的人。我總是盡力幫助他人,並能夠了解和傾聽周圍的環境。我在台灣學習的目的是學習中文並獲得我的學位,這對我來說是一個很好的機會,因為它不僅能讓我在學術上成長,還能了解不同的文化。


NT$ 9,400

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적




지금 바로

현 입주자 정보


NT$ 9,400

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

你們好!:)我是一名大學生,正在學習中文和中國通商學。在台灣,我打算在語言中心學習中文。我希望能有機會和外國朋友說中文。我有一次來台灣旅遊,覺得這個城市是很迷人的。我從十九歲開始在咖啡廳打工,非常喜歡咖啡和茶。所以我對台灣的茶文化很感興趣。而且我非常喜歡看書和參加公益活動。我說的中文還不太好,不過我期待在台灣創造開心的回憶。계속 읽기

你們好!:)我是一名大學生,正在學習中文和中國通商學。在台灣,我打算在語言中心學習中文。我希望能有機會和外國朋友說中文。我有一次來台灣旅遊,覺得這個城市是很迷人的。我從十九歲開始在咖啡廳打工,非常喜歡咖啡和茶。所以我對台灣的茶文化很感興趣。而且我非常喜歡看書和參加公益活動。我說的中文還不太好,不過我期待在台灣創造開心的回憶。 Hello! :) I am a university student studying Chinese and Chinese Business. In Taiwan, I plan to study Chinese at a language center. I hope to have the opportunity to speak Chinese with foreign friends. I once visited Taiwan as a tourist and found the city very charming. I started working at a café when I was nineteen and really enjoy coffee and tea. That's why I am very interested in Taiwan's tea culture. I also love reading books and participating in public welfare activities. My Chinese is still not very good, but I look forward to creating happy memories in Taiwan.

원하시는 방을 예약하려면 해당 버튼을 클릭해 주세요!

해당 하우스를 직접 방문해보고 싶으시다면 이쪽에서 신청해주세요!


원하시는 조건을 알려주시면 안내 도와드리겠습니다.

희망하시는 방이 만실일 경우에는 아래 폼을 작성하여주십시오.공실이 나면 이메일 알림이 자동으로 전송됩니다.

현재, 핫메일, 라이브메일, 아웃룩 등의 무료 메일에 메일이 제대로 전송되지 않는 트러블이 다수 발생하고 있습니다.
되도록 위의 메일 주소 이외의 주소를 입력해주시거나, 링크 의 해결방법을 시도해주시길 바랍니다. 저희로부터 2,3일 이상 답장이 없는 경우, 번거로우시겠지만 직접 전화나 스카이프로 연락주시길 바랍니다.

주변의 추천 하우스

입주자 후기


female 20's

I think Borderless House is really helpful when you need to find a place to live in Taipei. You can also talk with people from all around the world and practice Chinese language. Me and one of the housemates got along very well and even though both of us aren't fluent in Chinese but we still understand each other and practice our skills. Honestly, it might be a challenge to live with other people but it's a good way to learn how to share a house with others. Overall, it's a great experience.  我覺得 Borderless House 在台北找住處時真的很有幫助。你也可以和來自世界各地的人交流,練習中文。我和其中一位室友相處得很好,雖然我們兩個都不太流利,但仍然能夠互相理解並一起練習語言。老實說,與他人一起生活可能會有挑戰,但這也是學習如何與別人共同生活的好方式。總的來說,這是一次很棒的經歷。


female 20's

I would recommend talking to your roommates early on to begin to start the friendship, and so that you can openly discuss roommate preferences during your stay! 我會建議你一開始就與室友多交流,這樣可以早早開始建立友誼,也能在住宿期間開放地討論室友的偏好!


female 20's

初めて台湾に来た時に話したのがボーダーレスのスタッフで、不安でしたが安心したのを覚えています。 一緒に人と暮らすことは初めてだったのでとても貴重な経験でした。 我記得第一次來台灣時和Borderless House的工作人員交談,當時雖然很不安,但也感到安心。因為這是我第一次和人一起生活,所以這是一次非常寶貴的經歷。


female 20's

最厲害的是我台灣室友能夠從我房間裡趕走壁虎並來救我,台灣人對我的安全很方便~ The most impressive thing is that my Taiwanese roommate was able to remove a gecko from my room and come to my rescue. Taiwanese people are very attentive to my safety.


female 20's

I am a student from the US studying Chinese. I chose to stay at Borderless House because I wanted to make friends from around the world and practice speaking with native speakers. If you are considering Borderless House, I highly recommend it! I made a lot of friends, both Taiwanese locals and international, and we had a lot of fun exploring Taiwan together, going out to eat, and on adventures. If it hadn't been for my roommates and housemates at Borderless House, then I would not have had very many friends in Taiwan during my time studying abroad.  我是來自美國的學生,正在學習中文。我選擇入住 Borderless House,是因為我想結交來自世界各地的朋友,並與母語人士練習口語。如果您正在考慮入住 Borderless House,我非常推薦!我結識了許多朋友,包括台灣本地人和國際友人,我們一起在台灣探險、外出用餐和冒險玩樂。如果不是因為在 Borderless House 的室友和鄰居,我在台灣留學期間可能不會有那麼多朋友。


male 20's

Borderless House has been a great way to meet a very ecclectic group of people. It's certainly empassioned me to improve my mandarin skills.  Borderless House 成為了結識非常多元化的人群的好方式。這確實激勵了我提升我的中文能力。

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    입주신청후 3일 이내에 '사무수수료30,000엔, 보증금 20,000엔, 첫달 월세 및 수도광열비' 를 지불 부탁드립니다. 이불을 렌트하고자 하는 분은 처음 렌트하실 때만 렌트비 9,000엔이 추가됩니다.(이불 세트에는 매트릭스 패드, 매트릭스 시트, 이불, 이불 커버, 베개, 베개 커버, 담요가 포함되어 있습니다.)

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    ※현재 공실인 방에 신청을 주신 경우, 신청일로부터 늦어도 2주일 후부터는 월세가 발생합니다. 공실 예정인 방에 신청 주신 경우, 공실예정일로부터 늦어도 2주후부터는 월세가 발생합니다.
    ※보증금은 체재 기간에 따라 5,000엔~10,000엔이 원상복구비용으로써 감가상각처리되고, 남은 금액을 돌려드리게 됩니다.
    보더리스하우스 한국
    운영관리비 300,000원, 보증금 500,000원 등 모두 800,000원을 신청 확정 후 3영업일 이내에 받고 있습니다.
    운영관리비 는 입, 퇴실 시 서류 작성 및 스탭 입회, 하우스 설비 관리 비용, 프로그램 운영비로 사용되고 있으며 따로 환불되지 않습니다. 보증금은 추후 퇴실시 스태프 입회하에 퇴실 체크를 같이 진행하고 이상이 없을시 전액 반환되는 금액입니다.
    이불 세트의 대여를 희망하는 분은 처음 1회 60,000원이 추가 발생합니다. 첫 월세와 공과금은 일할로 계산되며 입주 당일까지 지불해야 합니다.
    보더리스하우스 대만
    사무수수료 1,500원, 보증금 5,000원을 합해 총 6,500원을 입주 신청 확정 후 1영업일 이내에 지불을 부탁드립니다.
    ※첫 월세와 공과금은 일할로 계산되며 입주 당일까지 지불해야 합니다.
    ※현재 공실인 방에 신청을 주신 경우, 신청일로부터 늦어도 2주일 후부터는 월세가 발생합니다. 공실 예정인 방에 신청 주신 경우, 공실예정일로부터 늦어도 2주후부터는 월세가 발생합니다.
  • 외국어를 전혀 할 수 없어도 괜찮은가요?
    보더리스 하우스에서 만족스러운 쉐어하우스 생활을 위해서는 영어나 다른 외국어를 유창하게 사용하는 것 보다 열린 마음으로 여러 나라의 하우스메이트들과 다채로운 문화와 언어를 교류를 하고자 하는 마음이 더 중요합니다. 그렇기 때문에 외국어를 공부한 지 얼마 되지 않은 분이나, 해외 경험이 전혀 없는 분도 보더리스하우스의 입주자로서 많이 생활하고 있습니다. 외국분들의 경우 중국어와 대만 문화를 배우고 싶어 보더리스 하우스에 입주하는 분이 많으므로, 서로가 자신의 경험과 언어를 가르쳐 주며 생활하는 과정을 통해 외국어에 대한 자신감을 얻을 수 있는 기회가 생기기도 합니다. 낯선 쉐어하우스 생활이 걱정되시나요? 보더리스하우스는 오픈 마인드를 가여러분을 언제나 환영합니다!
    보더리스하우스 한국
    보더리스 하우스에서 만족스러운 쉐어하우스 생활을 위해서는 영어나 다른 외국어를 유창하게 사용하는 것 보다 열린 마음으로 여러 나라의 하우스메이트들과 다채로운 문화와 언어를 교류를 하고자 하는 마음이 더 중요합니다. 그렇기 때문에 외국어를 공부한 지 얼마 되지 않은 분이나, 해외 경험이 전혀 없는 분도 보더리스하우스의 입주자로서 많이 생활하고 있습니다. 외국분들의 경우 중국어와 대만 문화를 배우고 싶어 보더리스 하우스에 입주하는 분이 많으므로, 서로가 자신의 경험과 언어를 가르쳐 주며 생활하는 과정을 통해 외국어에 대한 자신감을 얻을 수 있는 기회가 생기기도 합니다. 낯선 쉐어하우스 생활이 걱정되시나요? 보더리스하우스는 오픈 마인드를 가여러분을 언제나 환영합니다!
    보더리스하우스 대만
    보더리스 하우스에서 만족스러운 쉐어하우스 생활을 위해서는 영어나 다른 외국어를 유창하게 사용하는 것 보다 열린 마음으로 여러 나라의 하우스메이트들과 다채로운 문화와 언어를 교류를 하고자 하는 마음이 더 중요합니다. 그렇기 때문에 외국어를 공부한 지 얼마 되지 않은 분이나, 해외 경험이 전혀 없는 분도 보더리스하우스의 입주자로서 많이 생활하고 있습니다. 외국분들의 경우 중국어와 대만 문화를 배우고 싶어 보더리스 하우스에 입주하는 분이 많으므로, 서로가 자신의 경험과 언어를 가르쳐 주며 생활하는 과정을 통해 외국어에 대한 자신감을 얻을 수 있는 기회가 생기기도 합니다. 낯선 쉐어하우스 생활이 걱정되시나요? 보더리스하우스는 오픈 마인드를 가여러분을 언제나 환영합니다!
  • 쉐어하우스에 살아 본 적이 없어요, 하우스메이트들과 잘 지낼 수 있을까요?
    보더리스하우스에서 함께 하우스 규칙을 만들어 가세요.기본 규정을 다 같이 지키면서 하우스만의 특별한 분위기를 조성하며 공유 생활을 하는 것도 좋은 경험이 될 거에요!
    보더리스하우스는 체계적인 하우스 관리로 언제나 입주자분들의 행복한 쉐어하우스 생활을 위하여 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 입주 후에도 불편사항이 있을 땐 편하게 연락해주세요.
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