쉐어하우스 검색
쉐어하우스 검색
라인에서 상담하기
입주 조건이 확정되지 않으셨다면 상담을 추천드립니다!

BORDERLESS HOUSE DAAN3 - Share House in Daan

  • 남성×대만 국적
  • 남성×외국 국적


Daan 3 share house is just 6 mins from Daan station! There are 2 lines, Tansui/Xinyi and Wenhu Line, and very convenient! It takes only one stop to Zhongxiao Fuxing station, there are a lot of shops, and 2 stops to Taipei 101! There are a various shops and convenience stores on the way to this hostel, so it’s so convenient to live in Daan area! The apartment is very clean and you can find each room go through the living room! This guest house is for 9 people. The kitchen, face on the dining space, is very wide and you can enjoy cooking, studying or have fun with your housemates from all over the world! You stay in Taipei is going to be amazing in our Daan3 share house!

Required time to terminal
- Taipei Main station: 10mins
- Gongguan station: 10mins
- Guting station: 7mins

  • Daan・Xinyi-Anhe 지역
  • Daan station, Tansui/Xinyi Line, Wenhu Line 6 mins walk.
  • 보더리스 패밀리 멤버 개 국 명 입주중!
  • Apartment Type
  • 4~9인
  • 남녀공용하우스


※사진은 오픈당시에 촬영한 사진입니다.

오시는 길

sharehouse access map

인근 지하철역

  • Daan station, Tansui/Xinyi Line, Wenhu Line 6 mins walk.

구조 및 설비

공유 공간

  • Kettle
  • Toaster
  • 냉장고
  • 화장실 2곳
  • 고속무료인터넷
  • 텔레비전
  • 세탁기
  • 전자렌지
  • 전기밥솥
  • 세면대 2곳
  • 잠금 사물함
  • 샤워실 2곳

각 룸

  • 에어컨
  • 책상/의자/책상조명
  • 침대/ 책장 / 의류 수납고
  • 무선 고속 인터넷
  • 이불은 지참하시거나 없는 경우는 구매 가능합니다.(가격은 문의해주세요.)

공실 정보

※여름철 전기 소비량이 많아져 5월부터 10월까지의 광열비는 1,200 NTD입니다.
※임대료는 계약 선택에 따라 다를 수 있으니, 예약 전에 반드시 【임대료 및 임대차 규정】을 확인해 주십시오.
현 입주자 정보상황입주가능일모객 국적신청
1인실10.7㎡AnyNT$ 15,000NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
嗨,我是一名前端工程師。我選擇在 Borderless House 居住的原因是因為這裡能讓我接觸到來自不同文化背景的人,學習並體驗多元化的生活。我的興趣是玩PC遊戲,尤其是FPS類遊戲。目前我正在學習日文。今年,我計畫前往日本工作,希望能夠更深入地了解日本文化和語言。期待能夠與大家在 Borderless House 中度過美好的時光!

嗨,我是一名前端工程師。我選擇在 Borderless House 居住的原因是因為這裡能讓我接觸到來自不同文化背景的人,學習並體驗多元化的生活。我的興趣是玩PC遊戲,尤其是FPS類遊戲。目前我正在學習日文。今年,我計畫前往日本工作,希望能夠更深入地了解日本文化和語言。期待能夠與大家在 Borderless House 中度過美好的時光! Hi, I'm a front-end engineer. I chose to live at Borderless House because it allows me to meet people from different cultures, learn and experience diversity in life. My hobby is playing PC games, especially FPS type games. I am currently learning Japanese. This year, I plan to work in Japan and hope to learn more about Japanese culture and language. I look forward to spending some quality time with you all at Borderless House!

3인실16.6㎡FemaleNT$ 8,700NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
I'm a student at a Mandarin training center. I chose Borderless House because I love living in multicultural environment with people who have different backgrounds. I like traveling, cooking, reading and leaning new things. I came to Taiwan to learn Mandarin and Taiwanese culture.

I'm a student at a Mandarin training center. I chose Borderless House because I love living in multicultural environment with people who have different backgrounds. I like traveling, cooking, reading and leaning new things. I came to Taiwan to learn Mandarin and Taiwanese culture. 我是一名學生. 我選擇了Borderless House是因為我喜歡和不同背景的人一起生活在多元文化的環境中. 我喜歡旅行,做菜,讀書,學習新的事物. 我來到台灣是為了學習普通話和台灣的文化.

NT$ 8,700NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
I graduated from college recently and I'm working full time in Taipei now.

I graduated from college recently and I'm working full time in Taipei now. 我最近從大學畢業,現在在台北全職工作。

NT$ 8,700NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
I'm a Taiwanese-American who recently graduated college. I came to Taipei to improve my Mandarin and know my culture better! I chose Borderless House because I love sharing cultures. I hope to explore Taiwan with both locals and foreigners. I enjoy cooking, reading, and exploring new places and restaurants.

I'm a Taiwanese-American who recently graduated college. I came to Taipei to improve my Mandarin and know my culture better! I chose Borderless House because I love sharing cultures. I hope to explore Taiwan with both locals and foreigners. I enjoy cooking, reading, and exploring new places and restaurants. 我是剛剛大學畢業的台裔美國人。我來到台北是為了提高我的中文水平,更好地了解我的文化!我選擇了 Borderless House,因為我喜歡分享文化。我希望能與當地人和外國人一起探索台灣。我喜歡烹飪、閱讀和探索新地方和餐廳。

2인실13.5㎡MaleNT$ 9,200NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
I’m a Front-End engineer. My hobbies include hiking and bouldering. The reason I’d like to live in the Borderless House is that it provides more opportunities to meet people from different countries. I enjoy discovering new things and sharing Taiwanese culture.

I’m a Front-End engineer. My hobbies include hiking and bouldering. The reason I’d like to live in the Borderless House is that it provides more opportunities to meet people from different countries. I enjoy discovering new things and sharing Taiwanese culture. 我是前端工程師。我的興趣包括健行和攀岩。我想住在無國界之家是因為這裡提供了更多與來自不同國家的人交流的機會。我喜歡發現新事物並分享台灣文化。

NT$ 9,200NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
I'm studying Chinese in Taiwan. It's great to live with friends from various countries, share information, and experience their culture. I'm an outgoing person so I an enjoying spending time with housemates. I love working out and looking for delicious restaurants. Happy to live in Taiwan and want to make many gorgeous memories here with my housemates.

I'm studying Chinese in Taiwan. It's great to live with friends from various countries, share information, and experience their culture. I'm an outgoing person so I an enjoying spending time with housemates. I love working out and looking for delicious restaurants. Happy to live in Taiwan and want to make many gorgeous memories here with my housemates. 我在台灣學習中文。和來自不同國家的朋友一起生活真是太棒了,能分享資訊,體驗他們的文化。我是一個外向的人,所以很享受和室友共度時光。我喜歡健身,也喜歡尋找美味的餐廳。我很高興能在台灣生活,希望能和室友一起創造許多美好的回憶。

3인실12.5㎡MaleNT$ 8,500NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
哈囉!我是一名軟體工程師.我選擇Borderless House是因為希望可以培養外語口說能力以及認識來自不同國家的人們.平時我喜歡看電影,對科幻懸疑的題材特別著迷.喜歡嘗試新事物,跑過一次半馬、爬過一次嘉明湖,嘗試著讓生活更多采多姿!

哈囉!我是一名軟體工程師.我選擇Borderless House是因為希望可以培養外語口說能力以及認識來自不同國家的人們.平時我喜歡看電影,對科幻懸疑的題材特別著迷.喜歡嘗試新事物,跑過一次半馬、爬過一次嘉明湖,嘗試著讓生活更多采多姿! Hello! I’m a software engineer. I chose Borderless House because I want to improve my spoken language skills and meet people from different countries. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies, especially those in the sci-fi and thriller genres. I love trying new things—I've run a half marathon and hiked to Jiaming Lake. I'm always looking for ways to make life more colorful and exciting!

NT$ 8,500NT$ 800


--입주신청견학 예약
I’m a freelancer. I want to live here to make foreign friends. I like shooting sports and backpacking. I want to learn the language and work in Taiwan.

I’m a freelancer. I want to live here to make foreign friends. I like shooting sports and backpacking. I want to learn the language and work in Taiwan. 我是一名自由工作者。我想住在這裡結交外國朋友。我喜歡射擊運動和背包旅行。我想學習語言並在台灣工作。

NT$ 8,500NT$ 800

Will Open

2025.03.26Any입주신청견학 예약
현 입주자 정보상황입주가능일모객 국적신청
3인실12.5㎡MaleNT$ 8,500NT$ 800

Will Open

2025.03.26Any입주신청견학 예약

※여름철 전기 소비량이 많아져 5월부터 10월까지의 광열비는 1,200 NTD입니다.


NT$ 8,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800

Will Open

방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보


NT$ 15,000

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입1인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

嗨,我是一名前端工程師。我選擇在 Borderless House 居住的原因是因為這裡能讓我接觸到來自不同文化背景的人,學習並體驗多元化的生活。我的興趣是玩PC遊戲,尤其是FPS類遊戲。目前我正在學習日文。今年,我計畫前往日本工作,希望能夠更深入地了解日本文化和語言。期待能夠與大家在 Borderless House 中度過美好的時光!계속 읽기

嗨,我是一名前端工程師。我選擇在 Borderless House 居住的原因是因為這裡能讓我接觸到來自不同文化背景的人,學習並體驗多元化的生活。我的興趣是玩PC遊戲,尤其是FPS類遊戲。目前我正在學習日文。今年,我計畫前往日本工作,希望能夠更深入地了解日本文化和語言。期待能夠與大家在 Borderless House 中度過美好的時光! Hi, I'm a front-end engineer. I chose to live at Borderless House because it allows me to meet people from different cultures, learn and experience diversity in life. My hobby is playing PC games, especially FPS type games. I am currently learning Japanese. This year, I plan to work in Japan and hope to learn more about Japanese culture and language. I look forward to spending some quality time with you all at Borderless House!


NT$ 8,700

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

I'm a student at a Mandarin training center. I chose Borderless House because I love living in multicultural environment with people who have different backgrounds. I like traveling, cooking, reading and leaning new things. I came to Taiwan to learn Mandarin and Taiwanese culture.계속 읽기

I'm a student at a Mandarin training center. I chose Borderless House because I love living in multicultural environment with people who have different backgrounds. I like traveling, cooking, reading and leaning new things. I came to Taiwan to learn Mandarin and Taiwanese culture. 我是一名學生. 我選擇了Borderless House是因為我喜歡和不同背景的人一起生活在多元文化的環境中. 我喜歡旅行,做菜,讀書,學習新的事物. 我來到台灣是為了學習普通話和台灣的文化.


NT$ 8,700

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

I graduated from college recently and I'm working full time in Taipei now.계속 읽기

I graduated from college recently and I'm working full time in Taipei now. 我最近從大學畢業,現在在台北全職工作。


NT$ 8,700

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

I'm a Taiwanese-American who recently graduated college. I came to Taipei to improve my Mandarin and know my culture better! I chose Borderless House because I love sharing cultures. I hope to explore Taiwan with both locals and foreigners. I enjoy cooking, reading, and exploring new places and restaurants.계속 읽기

I'm a Taiwanese-American who recently graduated college. I came to Taipei to improve my Mandarin and know my culture better! I chose Borderless House because I love sharing cultures. I hope to explore Taiwan with both locals and foreigners. I enjoy cooking, reading, and exploring new places and restaurants. 我是剛剛大學畢業的台裔美國人。我來到台北是為了提高我的中文水平,更好地了解我的文化!我選擇了 Borderless House,因為我喜歡分享文化。我希望能與當地人和外國人一起探索台灣。我喜歡烹飪、閱讀和探索新地方和餐廳。


NT$ 9,200

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입2인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

I’m a Front-End engineer. My hobbies include hiking and bouldering. The reason I’d like to live in the Borderless House is that it provides more opportunities to meet people from different countries. I enjoy discovering new things and sharing Taiwanese culture.계속 읽기

I’m a Front-End engineer. My hobbies include hiking and bouldering. The reason I’d like to live in the Borderless House is that it provides more opportunities to meet people from different countries. I enjoy discovering new things and sharing Taiwanese culture. 我是前端工程師。我的興趣包括健行和攀岩。我想住在無國界之家是因為這裡提供了更多與來自不同國家的人交流的機會。我喜歡發現新事物並分享台灣文化。


NT$ 9,200

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입2인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

I'm studying Chinese in Taiwan. It's great to live with friends from various countries, share information, and experience their culture. I'm an outgoing person so I an enjoying spending time with housemates. I love working out and looking for delicious restaurants. Happy to live in Taiwan and want to make many gorgeous memories here with my housemates.계속 읽기

I'm studying Chinese in Taiwan. It's great to live with friends from various countries, share information, and experience their culture. I'm an outgoing person so I an enjoying spending time with housemates. I love working out and looking for delicious restaurants. Happy to live in Taiwan and want to make many gorgeous memories here with my housemates. 我在台灣學習中文。和來自不同國家的朋友一起生活真是太棒了,能分享資訊,體驗他們的文化。我是一個外向的人,所以很享受和室友共度時光。我喜歡健身,也喜歡尋找美味的餐廳。我很高興能在台灣生活,希望能和室友一起創造許多美好的回憶。


NT$ 8,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

哈囉!我是一名軟體工程師.我選擇Borderless House是因為希望可以培養外語口說能力以及認識來自不同國家的人們.平時我喜歡看電影,對科幻懸疑的題材特別著迷.喜歡嘗試新事物,跑過一次半馬、爬過一次嘉明湖,嘗試著讓生活更多采多姿!계속 읽기

哈囉!我是一名軟體工程師.我選擇Borderless House是因為希望可以培養外語口說能力以及認識來自不同國家的人們.平時我喜歡看電影,對科幻懸疑的題材特別著迷.喜歡嘗試新事物,跑過一次半馬、爬過一次嘉明湖,嘗試著讓生活更多采多姿! Hello! I’m a software engineer. I chose Borderless House because I want to improve my spoken language skills and meet people from different countries. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies, especially those in the sci-fi and thriller genres. I love trying new things—I've run a half marathon and hiked to Jiaming Lake. I'm always looking for ways to make life more colorful and exciting!


NT$ 8,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800


방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

I’m a freelancer. I want to live here to make foreign friends. I like shooting sports and backpacking. I want to learn the language and work in Taiwan.계속 읽기

I’m a freelancer. I want to live here to make foreign friends. I like shooting sports and backpacking. I want to learn the language and work in Taiwan. 我是一名自由工作者。我想住在這裡結交外國朋友。我喜歡射擊運動和背包旅行。我想學習語言並在台灣工作。


NT$ 8,500

수도광열비/인터넷(매월)NT$ 800

Will Open

방 타입3인실
모객 국적





현 입주자 정보

원하시는 방을 예약하려면 해당 버튼을 클릭해 주세요!

해당 하우스를 직접 방문해보고 싶으시다면 이쪽에서 신청해주세요!


원하시는 조건을 알려주시면 안내 도와드리겠습니다.

희망하시는 방이 만실일 경우에는 아래 폼을 작성하여주십시오.공실이 나면 이메일 알림이 자동으로 전송됩니다.

현재, 핫메일, 라이브메일, 아웃룩 등의 무료 메일에 메일이 제대로 전송되지 않는 트러블이 다수 발생하고 있습니다.
되도록 위의 메일 주소 이외의 주소를 입력해주시거나, 링크 의 해결방법을 시도해주시길 바랍니다. 저희로부터 2,3일 이상 답장이 없는 경우, 번거로우시겠지만 직접 전화나 스카이프로 연락주시길 바랍니다.

주변의 추천 하우스

입주자 후기


male 30's

Borderless House is a great way to temporarily settle in Taipei without too much worry or complication. The process for viewing the property, signing the contract, and moving in was extremely clear and simple. They're big on community engagement as well with events and harmony within the living space. The staff and housemates are all open, friendly, and community-oriented, making it a housing gem in Taiwan. Borderless House 是一個在台北暫時安頓下來的好方式,沒有太多的擔憂或複雜程序。看房、簽約和搬入的過程都非常清晰簡單。他們也非常注重社群互動,會舉辦活動並維持居住空間的和諧。工作人員和室友們都非常開放、友善且以社群為導向,使這裡成為台灣的住房寶地。


male 20's

国単位で色々な人が居ると感じれたこと。家の中で一期一会を楽しめたこと。 能夠感受到來自不同國家的各種人存在,並且在家裡享受這種難得的邂逅。


male 20's

Borderless share house has been a fantastic experience, one that I will keep with me for a long time. The people have always been so friendly- sometimes all you need is to see another human smile at you to cheer you up. Living here has been very convenient, amazing food places that are very close by, stores and things to do all within walking distance. Everyone seems to be living in harmony, working together to create an environment which is very seamlessly integrated into and out of, which is nice as well. Overall, it was a great stay and I will highly recommend Borderless House to anyone who asks. Borderless House共享住宅是一段美好的經歷,我將會長久珍藏。這裡的人們總是那麼友善,有時候,只需要看到另一個人對你微笑,就能讓你心情愉快。在這裡生活非常便利,附近有很多美味的餐廳,商店和各種活動場所都在步行距離之內。大家似乎和諧相處,共同努力創造一個環境,讓生活在其中的人能夠輕鬆地融入並流暢地進出,這一點也很棒。總的來說,這是一段美好的居住經歷,我會強烈推薦Borderless House給任何問起的人。


male 30's

在Borderless 住了3年,這段期間認識了來自世界各個非常多的朋友,一起吃飯一起去玩,非常的開心! 因為個人因素要離開Borderless house,感覺非常不捨,未來如果還有機會,會在來住Borderless house。 建議未來的房客,可以多和室友們互動,Borderless house,室內空間比較簡約,沒有華麗的裝潢,主要是提供和各國室友們交流的平台,適合喜歡認識不同文化的人居住!


female 20's

Taipei is a really good city, and Daan is a great area to enjoy the life, it is really convenient. I really enjoyed my stay in Taiwan and I have met really nice people. 台北是一個非常好的城市,大安區是個很棒的地區,生活起來非常便利。我非常享受在台灣的住宿體驗,並且遇到了非常友善的人們。


male 20's

設施乾淨,可以和很多人見面,位置也很好,希望更多的人利用。 The facilities are clean, you can meet many people, and the location is excellent. I hope more people take advantage of it.

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    운영관리비 300,000원, 보증금 500,000원 등 모두 800,000원을 신청 확정 후 3영업일 이내에 받고 있습니다.
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    보더리스 하우스에서 만족스러운 쉐어하우스 생활을 위해서는 영어나 다른 외국어를 유창하게 사용하는 것 보다 열린 마음으로 여러 나라의 하우스메이트들과 다채로운 문화와 언어를 교류를 하고자 하는 마음이 더 중요합니다. 그렇기 때문에 외국어를 공부한 지 얼마 되지 않은 분이나, 해외 경험이 전혀 없는 분도 보더리스하우스의 입주자로서 많이 생활하고 있습니다. 외국분들의 경우 중국어와 대만 문화를 배우고 싶어 보더리스 하우스에 입주하는 분이 많으므로, 서로가 자신의 경험과 언어를 가르쳐 주며 생활하는 과정을 통해 외국어에 대한 자신감을 얻을 수 있는 기회가 생기기도 합니다. 낯선 쉐어하우스 생활이 걱정되시나요? 보더리스하우스는 오픈 마인드를 가여러분을 언제나 환영합니다!
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    보더리스 하우스에서 만족스러운 쉐어하우스 생활을 위해서는 영어나 다른 외국어를 유창하게 사용하는 것 보다 열린 마음으로 여러 나라의 하우스메이트들과 다채로운 문화와 언어를 교류를 하고자 하는 마음이 더 중요합니다. 그렇기 때문에 외국어를 공부한 지 얼마 되지 않은 분이나, 해외 경험이 전혀 없는 분도 보더리스하우스의 입주자로서 많이 생활하고 있습니다. 외국분들의 경우 중국어와 대만 문화를 배우고 싶어 보더리스 하우스에 입주하는 분이 많으므로, 서로가 자신의 경험과 언어를 가르쳐 주며 생활하는 과정을 통해 외국어에 대한 자신감을 얻을 수 있는 기회가 생기기도 합니다. 낯선 쉐어하우스 생활이 걱정되시나요? 보더리스하우스는 오픈 마인드를 가여러분을 언제나 환영합니다!
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    보더리스 하우스에서 만족스러운 쉐어하우스 생활을 위해서는 영어나 다른 외국어를 유창하게 사용하는 것 보다 열린 마음으로 여러 나라의 하우스메이트들과 다채로운 문화와 언어를 교류를 하고자 하는 마음이 더 중요합니다. 그렇기 때문에 외국어를 공부한 지 얼마 되지 않은 분이나, 해외 경험이 전혀 없는 분도 보더리스하우스의 입주자로서 많이 생활하고 있습니다. 외국분들의 경우 중국어와 대만 문화를 배우고 싶어 보더리스 하우스에 입주하는 분이 많으므로, 서로가 자신의 경험과 언어를 가르쳐 주며 생활하는 과정을 통해 외국어에 대한 자신감을 얻을 수 있는 기회가 생기기도 합니다. 낯선 쉐어하우스 생활이 걱정되시나요? 보더리스하우스는 오픈 마인드를 가여러분을 언제나 환영합니다!
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    보더리스하우스에서 함께 하우스 규칙을 만들어 가세요.기본 규정을 다 같이 지키면서 하우스만의 특별한 분위기를 조성하며 공유 생활을 하는 것도 좋은 경험이 될 거에요!
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