쉐어하우스 검색
쉐어하우스 검색
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Internet Toruble Guide

  • When all tenants couldn’t connect the internet.

    Check the cable connection(LAN cable and POWER cable)


    Find Internet equipment and plug out all. Wait 5min and plug in. Check internet connection.


    There is possible to the internet main line problem or equipment broken.
    Please fill and send Tenant Inquiry Form. And attach photos of the internet equipment lamp parts and backside(cables).

  • When ONLY you couldn’t connect internet.

    Please check the Wi-Fi ID and password.
    How to find Wi-Fi ID and Password.
    ID:Connect start from 'BORDERLESS' has most strong signal
    Please check the password in the house file


    There is possible to the internet main line problem or equipment broken or Someone download too many data at same time.

  • When you couldn’t connect some Wi-Fi ID.

    Check the cable connection(LAN cable and POWER cable) If the cable is out,
    please put in and wait 1min and try connecting Wi-Fi.


    Plug out and put in, wait 1MIN, try connecting Wi-Fi.


    There is possible to the internet main line problem or equipment broken.
    Please fill and send Tenant Inquiry Form. And attach photos of the internet equipment lamp parts and backside(cables).

  • When your connect is too slow.

    Sometimes, if someone in the house download too many data in short time, the internet company set a speed limit temporary.
    You can recover that just reboot the internet equipment(Modem and Router).
    Unplug power and wait 5Min. And check connection.


    There is possible to the internet main line problem or equipment broken or Someone download too many data at same time.
    Please fill and send Tenant Inquiry Form. And attach photos of the internet equipment lamp parts and backside(cables).

  • About other trouble

    Please fill and send Tenant Inquiry Form. And attach photos of the internet equipment lamp parts and backside(cables).

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