쉐어하우스 검색
쉐어하우스 검색
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Equipment Trouble / How to Clean

Hot-Water Heater
  • There is no hot-water running.

    Please watch the movie to reboot the Hot-water heater.

Gas Stove
  • Gas Burner is not working properly, such as ignition trouble.

    There is a possibility that batteries might be running out. Please watch the movie to change the batteries.

  • Gas Burner is not working properly, such as ignition trouble

    Uncleaness around gas burner might be the cause, so please watch the movie to clean around the gas burners.

Air Conditioner
  • In case of it is making a non-proper noise from AC or cooler and heater are not working properly.

    Filter's uncleaness might be the cause so that please watch the movie to clean the AC filters.

  • In case of toilet is being clogged

    Please watch the movie to solve clogged toilet.

Bath Room
  • Bathroom is being mould

    Please watch the movie to remove mould by using liquid spray 'KABI-KILLER' and brush.

Shower Room
  • In case of drain is being clogged

    Please watch the movie to clean the drain.

  • In case of drain is being clogged

    Please watch the movie to clean the drain.

Vacuum Cleaner
  • In case of suction powerness is getting weaker.

    Please watch the movie to clean the filter.

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