쉐어하우스 검색
쉐어하우스 검색
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구체적인 입주조건이 정해지지 않은 경우 추천합니다!

Share House in Omori


Start your share house life in Omori, where you can buy anything you need

Omori station is only 2 stations away from Shinagawa station, and easy to access to Yokohama area. You can reach to coastal area within 1km by foot. Since it is easy to go to center of Tokyo and there are lots of commercial buildings in front of Omori station, Omori is popular place as a confortable place to live.
There are more and more share houses, so I'd like to introduce this Omori Area.

Meet Japanese in a multicultural community house!

세계 각국에서 모인 사람들이 한지붕 아래 함께 어울려 살며 국제 교류를 경험하는 곳, 다국적 커뮤니티 쉐어하우스 보더리스하우스!
보더리스하우스는 한국인과 외국인이 동고동락하며 소통할 수 있는 커뮤니티 공간을 만들고 있습니다."

A Community Connecting the World

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쉐어하우스를 소개!

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