| 2인실 | 14.92㎡ | 남성 | ¥42,000 | ¥11,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
| ¥42,000 | ¥11,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I spend time watching animation. I wanna communicate with foreigners. 더보기 I study English. I speak Japanese and speak English a little. I spend time watching animation. I wanna communicate with foreigners.
英語を勉強してます。日本語と少しだけ英語を話します。アニメを観て過ごします。海外の人とコミュニケーションをとりたいです。 |
| 1인실 | 10.77㎡ | 여성 | ¥61,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
休みの日は、ジムで運動したり、友達と遊びに行ったりすることが多いです! 더보기 こんにちは!IT系の会社に勤めている社会人です。
Hello! I am working at an IT company.
I speak Japanese. I am studying to be able to speak English as well!
On my days off, I often exercise at the gym or hang out with friends.
I would like to connect with people who like to do exercise! |
| 3인실 | 13.66㎡ | 남성 | ¥40,000 | ¥11,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
On my days off, I work out at the gym and go to vintage clothing stores. 더보기 こんにちは!茨城の学校に通っている大学生です!母国語は日本語で、英語については日常会話程度なので現在勉強中です!
Hello! I'm a university student attending school in Ibaraki! My native language is Japanese, and I am currently studying English since it is just for daily conversation!
On my days off, I work out at the gym and go to vintage clothing stores. I am looking forward to meeting you all! |
| ¥40,000 | ¥11,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
| ¥40,000 | ¥11,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I speak Brazilian Portuguese and English 더보기 Hello! I am graduated in computer science and now I'm moving to Japan to study Japanese Language. I speak Brazilian Portuguese and English. Furthermore, I like to play video games, hang out with friends to eat or to party, car related things as drifting and more. I am very excited to meet you all and make new friends. |
| 1인실 | 7.45㎡ | 여성 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I like to read books which is related with my work and enjoy Salsa dance!! 더보기 Hi, I'm looking for a job but I used to work at accountant farm.
I speak Japanese, English and Spanish!!
I like to read books which is related with my work and enjoy Salsa dance!!
I love to communicate with multinational countries people so let's enjoy life!!
こんにちは! 今は仕事を探していますが、以前は会計事務所で働いていました。
色々な国の方とコミュニケーションを取るのが好きなので、 一緒に人生を楽しみましょう!! |
| 1인실 | 10.63㎡ | 여성 | ¥61,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
| 1인실 | 8.23㎡ | 여성 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I'm a second-year university student. I speak Japanese. I can barely speak English. My hobbies include watching Korean dramas, exercising, and listening to music. I often go out on holidays. I'd love to improve my English, so I'd really appreciate it if you could teach me! |
| 1인실 | 10.77㎡ | 제한 없음 | ¥61,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I like to go hiking and to experience new things. 더보기 Hello, I came to Japan to learn Japanese. I currently only speak English.
I like to go hiking and to experience new things. I like to meet people who have something they are passionate about.
こんにちは、私は日本語を学ぶために日本に来ました。私は現在英語しか話せません。私はハイキングに行き、新しいことを体験するのが好きです。 私は、何かに情熱を持っている人々に会うのが好きです。 |
| 1인실 | 11.18㎡ | 제한 없음 | ¥61,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
初めまして、シンガポール出身で、現在日本のエンタテインメント業界で働いています。 더보기 Hey there, I'm from Singapore and I'm currently working in the entertainment industry in Japan. I can speak 2.65 languages namely English, Mandarin, and 0.65 Japanese. I enjoy photography, karaoke, and billiards as well as visiting different cafes and bars during the weekends. Looking forward to having a great time!
初めまして、シンガポール出身で、現在日本のエンタテインメント業界で働いています。日本語はまだ完璧ではないですが、英語、中国語、0.65日本語を話せます。趣味は写真撮影とカラオケ、ビリヤードです。週末にはカフェ・バー巡りも多いです。新しい出会いを楽しんでいます! |
| 1인실 | 9.11㎡ | 여성 | ¥59,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I love all kinds of arts and I’m also very outgoing! 더보기 Hello! I’m a full-time student at Sophia University, I’m half Japanese and half Arab and I grew up in Jordan most of my life. I speak English Arabic and Japanese! I love all kinds of arts and I’m also very outgoing!
こんにちは!私は、上智大学の学生です。日本人とアラブ人のハーフで、人生のほとんどをヨルダンで過ごしました。英語とアラビア語と日本語が話せます!芸術が大好きで、とても社交的です! |
| 1인실 | 9.94㎡ | 제한 없음 | ¥60,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I want to get to know good people because I like to go to various places. 더보기 Hello, I work as an engineer and I want to work part-time in Japan.
The language is Korean and Japanese, and I am not good at English.
I want to get to know good people because I like to go to various places.
こんにちは、エンジニアとして働いています。日本ではパートタイムで働きたいです。言語は韓国語と日本語ですが、英語は未だ得意ではありません。いろいろなところに行ってみるのが好きなので、色々な人と仲良くなりたいです。 |
| 1인실 | 9.53㎡ | 여성 | ¥59,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
私の趣味は読書、ソーイング、ビデオゲームです。 더보기 I came to Borderless House in order to improve my Japanese while maintaining my English! I would like to work in Media in Japan, so my goal is to improve my language skills enough for that. Some of my hobbies are reading, sewing, and playing video games. I'm looking forward to talking with you!
日本語を上達したいですし、英語も忘れないようにボーダレスハウスに住む事にしました。日本のメディアで働きたいと思っていますので、その仕事に見合う語学力をつけたいです。私の趣味は読書、ソーイング、ビデオゲームです。皆さんと話せるのを楽しみにしています。 |
| 1인실 | 8.84㎡ | 제한 없음 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I'd like to go to study and work in abroad in the future. 더보기 海外で就労する夢のため、一時留学を考えていた時期があり、まずは日本国内でできることはと思い入居を決めました。
I'd like to go to study and work in abroad in the future. To make come true, I decide to move in Borderless House. I like skiing! Looking forward to seeing you all. |
| 1인실 | 8.7㎡ | 여성 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
私の趣味はスポーツです。特にダンス、ジョギングとバスケが好きです。 더보기 Hello, I'm from Czech and it’s my pleasure to spend working holiday in Tokyo. I will work as a temp for a marketing company and do some other activities. I speak Czech, English, Slovak, Japanese, German and Spanish (un poco). I love doing sports, especially dancing and jogging. I also love to play basketball. I’m very energetic and positive person. Looking forward to meeting new people!
初めまして、日本で一年間ワーホリを過ごすチェコ人です。東京でマケーティング会社のバイトをしたり、インターシップをしたりしようと思います。チェコ語、英語、スロバキア語、日本語、ドイツ語と少しスペイン語が話せますが、間違いを沢山します。私の趣味はスポーツです。特にダンス、ジョギングとバスケが好きです。宜しくお願いいたします。 |
| 1인실 | 8.7㎡ | 여성 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I love any kind of outdoor activity like hiking. I also like to read books. 더보기 こんにちは、 IT系の会社で働いています。日本語を話します。外に出て活動するのも好きですし、本を読むのも好きです。自分の知らないことを学ぶのが好きなので、皆さんの国の文化や言語を教えてください!よろしくお願いします。
Hello, I work at IT company. I speak Japanese and a little bit of English. I love any kind of outdoor activity like hiking. I also like to read books.
Looking forward to meeting you. Please tell me a lot of things about your county's culture, languages and so on. |
| 1인실 | 7.66㎡ | 여성 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
My hobby is watching movies and dramasI also like going to theme parks. 더보기 こんにちは。私は地方公務員をしています。日本語を話します。英語の勉強をしたいと思い、入居を決めました。趣味は映画やドラマを観ることです!あとは、テーマパークに行くのも好きです。みなさんと楽しい日々を過ごしたいと思っています。よろしくお願いします。
Hello. I'm a local government employee. I speak Japanese. I decided to move in because I wanted to study English. My hobby is watching movies and dramas! I also like going to theme parks. I hope to spend enjoyable days with you all. Please be kind to me. |
| 2인실 | 12.63㎡ | 남성 | ¥42,000 | ¥11,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
みなさんとお会いできること楽しみにしています!! 더보기 Hi, everyone. I’m a working adult, I’m been living in Tokyo for a few years.
I speak Japanese and little English. I’m just improving my English.
I like baseball, if I have a time I watch a baseball game movie.
Also I like talking to different people over a drink.
I’m looking forward to meeting all !!
みなさんとお会いできること楽しみにしています!! |
| ¥42,000 | ¥11,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
In my free time I like play games, exploring new areas and traveling around by train. 더보기 Hello there, I am here in Japan for holiday for one year. Traveling and exploring the different and interesting parts of Japan, and working from time to time. I speak German, English and some French. My Japanese isn't very good, so I hope to be able to improve it through being here and further studies. In my free time I like play games, exploring new areas and traveling around by train.
I am looking forward to meeting new, funny and nice people.
こんにちは、1年間の休暇で日本に来ています。日本の面白い場所を旅行したり、探検したり、時々仕事をしたりしています。ドイツ語、英語、フランス語が話せます。日本語はあまり上手ではないので、日本での生活や勉強を通して上達できればと思っています。余暇にはゲームをしたり、新しい土地を探検したり、電車で旅行したりするのが好きです。新しい人、面白い人、素敵な人に会えるのを楽しみにしています。 |
| 1인실 | 10.12㎡ | 여성 | ¥60,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I love watching anime, manga, and funny videos on YouTube. Also, I am a fan of J-pop and K-pop. 더보기 "Hello, I was a sweater designer who came to Japan to study Japanese and wish to get a job in Japan later. I speak Cantonese, Mandarin, English, and a little bit of Japanese. I love watching anime, manga, and funny videos on YouTube. Also, I am a fan of J-pop and K-pop. What is more, I love traveling around the world too. It is interesting to meet people from different countries and backgrounds. Looking forward to meeting someone who shares the same interests as me.
こんにちは!セーターデザインの会社に勤めていた社会人です。広東語や中国語、英語が話せます。日本語も少し話せますが、まだ勉強中です!もっとペラペラの日本語を話せるようになるために日本に来ました。休みの日は、アニメを見たり、漫画を読んだり、YouTubeで面白い動画を見たりすることが多いです。また、J-popとK-popのファンです。同じ趣味をお持ちの方と繋がりたいです!" |
| 1인실 | 7.45㎡ | 여성 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
私はファッションヘアメイク、アートがとても好きです🪄🐞🍡 더보기 こんにちは!私はファッションヘアメイク、アートがとても好きです🪄🐞🍡
Hello! I love fashion, hair makeup, and Art✨ |
| 1인실 | 7.45㎡ | 여성 | ¥58,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I work at an international preschool as a teacher. I lived in LA for about 6 years and came back to Japan recently. 더보기 インターナショナルプリスクールの先生をしています。6年間ロサンゼルスに住んでいました。英語と日本語が喋れますが、英語はまだまだ勉強・練習中です。好きなことはランニング、サイクリング、美味しいものを食べることです。食べること、飲むことが好きな人と是非繋がりたいです。旅行も好きなので、旅行が好きな人と友達になりたいです!
I work at an international preschool as a teacher. I lived in LA for about 6 years and came back to Japan recently. I do speak Japanese and English but I've been still learning and brushing up my English. I love running, cycling, and eating ! Looking forward to meeting someone who also loves eating and drinking. Also I do love traveling so I want to meet people who love traveling! |
| 1인실 | 9.11㎡ | 제한 없음 | ¥59,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
| 1인실 | 10.77㎡ | 제한 없음 | ¥61,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
My hobby is cooking and I also like to take walks in nature and enjoy a glass of wine with someone! 더보기 こんにちは!個人事業と空港のバイトをしています😊 普段は日本語を話してますが、海外や豪華客船で仕事をするために英語を使う機会を積極的に増やしています! 趣味はお料理で、自然の中を散歩したり誰かとワインを楽しむことも好きです! 国籍や性別、年齢関係なく交流させていただけたらと思います♪✨ ピンときたことがありましたら、気軽に声をかけてください😆
Hello! I have a private business and a part-time job at the airport😊. I usually speak Japanese, but I am actively trying to use English to work abroad and on luxury cruise ships! My hobby is cooking and I also like to take walks in nature and enjoy a glass of wine with someone! I would be happy to interact with you regardless of your nationality, gender, or age ✨.
If this rings a bell, please feel free to contact me 😆 |
| 1인실 | 10.77㎡ | 남성 | ¥61,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
I love eating, and my hobby is table tennis, although I’m not competitive. I’m looking forward to seeing you guys. 더보기 はじめまして、日本のシステムインテグレーターで働いています。以前は大井町のハウスに2年半程住んでおり、今回Borderless Houseに戻って来る事になりました。スコットランドに1年住んでいた経験が有ります。好きな事は食べる事、余り上手くは無いですが趣味は卓球です。皆さんにお目に掛かれるのを楽しみにしております。
Nice to meet you in advance. I’m working for a system integrator as an IT consultant. I was in a house in Ōimachi for 2 and a half years. I lived in Edinburgh for 1 year. I love eating, and my hobby is table tennis, although I’m not competitive. I’m looking forward to seeing you guys. |
| 1인실 | 10.77㎡ | 여성 | ¥61,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
人と話すことが好きなので、様々な人と交流したいです^_^Looking forward to meeting many people from different backgrounds^_^ 더보기 福岡から遊びに来ました。
I'm from Fukuoka.
My native language is Japanese. I'm studying English because I'm planning on going on a working holiday to Australia. I love dancing, ballet and traveling.
Looking forward to meeting many people from different backgrounds^_^ |
| 1인실 | 12.42㎡ | 여성 | ¥62,000 | ¥14,000 | | 만실 | - | - | 입주신청견학 예약 |
技術関連、ゲーム、オタク的なもの全般が好きで、コンベンションやエキスポに行くのも好きです。 더보기 Hello there, I'm a Software Engineer moving to Japan to work and live. I'm Brazilian but in the past four years I've been living in Spain, speaking English, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and a shattered Japanese (studied for a while ago, but without practice things were forgotten).
I like tech related stuff, gaming, geeky stuff in general and visiting its conventions and expos. Also I love football and used to train as a goalkeeper (but an injury is holding my plans right now) and go to the gym. Concerts, karaoke and randomness.
Looking forward to meet new people and learn about new interests and the daily city lifehacks.
新しい人と出会い、新しい興味や日々の街のライフハックについて学ぶことを楽しみにしています。 |
Dear Omori Borderless House, Although my time was short, I had so much fun living here and sharing many experiences with you guys! This house will definitely be my fondest memory of my time in Tokyo. Hope to see you in the near future :)