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What Are The Present Quarantine And Travel Restrictions In Japan?

Traveling to any place in the current year has been really tough, especially when we are talking about international journeys. Most countries in the world are switching between coming out of lockdown and preparing for the second round of complete shutdown. The circumstances have been maddening, to say the least. Now, even after one year of battling with the Covid-19 virus, the end appears nowhere in sight. As a result, the common man is stuck between dealing with his fear of catching the deadly virus, and risking his business and finances if he decides to stay where he is. Japan has been no exception to such problems.
Like every other country, the people in Japan have also been bracing tough situations. The borders were sealed here in order to protect its population from Coronavirus. But with time and vigilance of people, the situation in Japan has changed for the better. The borders are now slowly being opened, and the flights to international destinations have begun to take off.
Presently, Japan has permitted business traveling from certain countries in Asia and Oceania. It has recently lowered the travel restrictions for Australia, China, Singapore, New Zealand, Vietnam, Brunei, Thailand, etc. Traveling, for tourists, however, is not allowed as of now, but there have been reports that the Japanese government is considering opening it in time for Olympics, that is before the spring season descends in Japan. So, if you are also preparing for traveling to Japan and would like to know about the quarantine norms and traveling restrictions here, then here is some information that you may find useful. Come, let’s plunge in!
What are the travel rules in Japan?
Like other countries, Japan also imposed restrictions on traveling to control the spread of Covid-19 in the country. However, on October 30, Japan relaxed its impositions and allowed people from certain countries to enter its border for business purposes. What this means is that, now, travelers from other countries can come to Japan if they have a business or residence visa.
According to news, Japan is also considering opening up the tourist industry and allowing people to come to Japan on a tourist visa. However, no official statement has been released by the government on this issue until now.
Are the Airlines back into action in Japan?
Since the travel restrictions are uplifting and domestic as well as international traveling is allowed now, therefore, airlines are more or less back in action in Japan. However, if you are planning a trip to Japan, we will recommend you to check Japan’s embassy page to get a better idea about which flights and airlines and functional there.
Is Japan out of lockdown?
With governments all over the world asking people to stay vigilant and reminding them that the danger is not over yet, there has been no certainty in any part of the globe. Many countries in the past months that were out of lockdown have witnessed another phrase of total shutdown following a hike in the number of reported cases. Japan is no exception to this bizarre scenario.
The government in Japan has taken a decentralized approach to deal with this instability. They have chosen to let the regional governors decide what is best for their region. Some people are not happy with this approach as they feel that the government in this way is not upholding its responsibility, but others are viewing the decision in a positive light. The highlight, as of now, in Japan, is the reopening of Tokyo where the most number of cases were detected. The region has been opened, however, with certain restrictions in place.
What are the safety measures in Japan?
In order to keep its people safe, Japan has followed the advice of WHO and opened its borders cautiously. Even when there are no restrictions regarding stepping out of the house in Japan, there are certain guidelines that people need to follow. Here are some safety measures that the people and institutions here have taken to control the spread of the virus.
- All the places where people gather like offices or supermarkets in Japan have installed hand sanitizers to promote people to sanitize frequently.
- Most restaurants, cafes, or bars where many people come and go have spaced out tables and put a cap over the number of people that can be present there at one time.
- Gyms and shops have followed the guidelines by medical clinics and are checking the temperature of all people who are entering their premises.
- Maintaining proper distance no matter where you are is mandatory.
- Wearing masks at all times whenever you step out of the house is compulsory for people.
The stay arrangement
Usually, if you are looking for a place to stay in Japan during your quarantine period, any hotel will charge you about 70,000 to 1,00,000 yens, but now, at our borderless house, we are offering our customers the opportunity to reserve a room with us free of charge. What is even better is that by booking your quarantine stay with us, you won’t have to look for a place yourself. Thus, in this way, you will have one less thing to worry about.
Pick up service
Another problem when you reach Japan is that here you won’t be allowed to use public transport, not even cabs from the airport until you have completed your 14 days long quarantine period. But by booking your room with us, you can say goodbye to this worry. It is so because once you have booked your reservation with us, your stay will be our responsibility, and getting you to reach your room will also be on us. As soon as you will land in Japan, we will arrange your ride and a driver will wait for you outside the airport to drop you at your quarantine destination.
Various supports
Since after coming to Japan you will be living in quarantine, therefore, upon arriving here, arranging for the necessities can become a problem. Therefore, to help our quarantine residents at the borderless house, our staff will inform them about various food delivery services and other apps through which they can order necessities. In Japan, we also follow a systematic way of separating and throwing garbage, about which, our staff will let you know. In case, you have any other queries, you will have our people at your assistance to resolve your problems.
Fun activities
Now, 14 days is a pretty long time. Staying alone during that time with nothing to do can drive anyone crazy. Therefore, at our borderless house, we have made arrangements to keep you entertained so that your quarantine period is fun and interesting. Upon booking your stay with us, we will get you in touch with future housemates before you come to the sharehouse so you can know them better. After you arrive, we will arrange for you online language classes to brush up on your Japanese, online sessions to meet other people who share similar interests as you, and online club activities to keep you engaged. At our borderless house, we are all set to make the time fly for you.
So, these are some benefits that you can avail of by booking your quarantine stay with us when you are in Japan.
What are the tips for safe travel in Japan?
Once you are free to travel to Japan, here are some safety tips that you must follow to avoid catching the virus.
- Make sure that every time you step outside of your residence in Japan, you carry your mask and a hand sanitizer. You can find these both in any supermarket or departmental store.
- If you want to keep as much distance as possible when you are traveling by train, consider using green cars.
- If you have to visit some popular destination, consider going there early in the morning or during the afternoon when they are about to close, to avoid the rush.
So, this is all about the travel restrictions which you should know about before visiting Japan. Safe travels!