보더리스 하우스의 최신 뉴스, 블로그 갱신정보
Hyper international interaction ! Borderless Christmas with more than 120 people was held on the 7th of December !

December is the Christmas season!
All the street is illuminated and we see more and more chicken advertisement on TV and in the city! Don't you think that the enhancement of the city increases our desire to have a Christmas party? Because it is Christmas!
To satisfy your desire, we held a Christmas Party like every year!
We rent a space in Jinbo-Cho called "EDITORY" and more than 120people came to our party! What kind of party it was?
In this blog, we are going to show the content!
The person who is going to do the Christmas Party tour is me, Pakuchi!
I am working at Borderless House as a student worker and I am in charge of the event!
International interaction and Christmas Party represent so much Borderless House !
In Borderless House, we organize twice a year a party with 80 to 100 people who are living in our sharehouse!
Christmas wich I am going to explain to you is one of the big events! Every year, a lot of our sweet tenant is joining the party. However, this year was not the same year as usual.
MORE than 120 people come to our party. What is going to happen to this memorable party? All the staff was surprised at the beginning!
When we start the reception, a HUGE line of people was in front of us.
and the event space becomes full in a second!
The receptionist, the bar, and the cloak were full of person and everybody was an assembly into the room.
We could hear people in many spaces starting to cheers because they could not wait for the beginning of the party. That represents our tenant so well!
They could not wait to start to interact with people and start to enjoy the conversation. Their communication skills are so remarkable!
And the sweet cute person who was charged to do the facilitator is our tenant!
Yes, this year also, our tenant help us for the Christmas Party!
The cute Santa Claus is Ashley, she is living in Itabashikuyakusho-mae House!
She is like a mother of the house and makes the community warm-up!
She is a big fan of Borderless House and she also help up for the event "Borderless Olympics"!
Thank you always, Ashley !!
The facilitation of Ashley, gives a tremendous boost to the atmosphere of the party!
You cannot say that you are shy! A very close linkage program heat the party!
The theme of this year's Christmas party is "extends beyond the house, the nationality and the connection !"
This year, we invite tenants, people who reserve a room of Borderless House, people who are interested in international interaction and people's friends!
The fact that a lot of people with different backgrounds can come is one of the characteristics of the party.
This is the reason why we always prepare some good programs in order to make the com munition between people easier! So, even you are a little shy, it is completely okay!
You will become quickly socialize with people around you! Let's enjoy it!
You are my man of destiny ?! Number and color matching!
The first program is called number and color matching!
Everyone gets some wristband with a number and a color. You have to find the person who has the same color and number and form a group.
It is quite simple but fateful. In this huge universe, we all grew up in a different country, and we all gather in Tokyo and find together by coincidence.
Is it not fantastic ?!
Is it destiny ?!
All the groups did an introduction of themselves and the voltage of the room was in high gear! Everybody was so excited to find their fateful! People make some high-touch when they find they're fateful!
This meeting is forever!
We don't need language, what we need is an only passion! Let's do the gesture game!
The next program is a gesture game!
After we all find our fateful, let start the game! The winner of the game can get some luxury prizes!
Everyone thought that gesture game is easy, but it is not the case!
Even if it is difficult, cooperation leads us to win! Everybody makes their own gesture and express the theme.
The first theme was the one of the difficult ones!
"zoo" Everybody did some gestures about the gorilla, monkey, etc. and people answered the name of animals. However, the word "zoo" is not appearing.
The floor is in chaos.
I know, we are vicious that we make this theme. When almost every team finished answering, only 2 teams didn't finish to answer.
Even they could say that they have finished even if it is unfinished, they did so much effort to do it properly!
All of our staff were touched by their passion.
We really wanted to give them some gifts!
In the floor mix of passion and chaos, the 2nd theme is ... "Disney Land"! This is also a difficult theme! Everyone answered "mouse" or "Mickey".
At the moment we regret a little bit that we make so much difficult theme, a team who answer 2 right answers appeared!
As is it a team made by only fateful, the heart-to-heart communication is working very well!
They get the luxury price !! We didn't expect that the gesture game reaches a fever pitch!
Are you interested in the content of the gift?
A set of world craft beer AND Order-made leather products from JOGGO AND AND a huge box of different sweets etc. Some presents from Borderless Santa!
We all envy....
Who are going to get the next prizes ?! The exciting bingo game!
We cannot forget the face Bingo game of Borderless House!
It became an annual event but let me explain the rule!
Borderless bingo is not a normal bingo game.
The face of each people who are coming to the Christmas party is becoming a number!
Thanks to you we can play the bingo game and thank to you someone can get the prize ! It is a very special bingo game.
Let start the bingo!
Everybody is paying attention to the face of people turning around!
This year, we choose as a prize: Amazon card, Borderless T-shirt, as a small present, land of Moon which gets famous in Terrace House and A5 rank ( higher quality ) Matsuzaka-beef!
And finally, don't forget ... 1-month free fee ticket !!
The happy girl who gets the 1-month free fee ticket is...
The tenant of Shinjuku-Nakano 3 !!!
All the people you cheers are your family! It doesn't matter which share house you are living in!
The party approach to the end.
People who came with their housemate of a friend were enjoying communication with people they just have met at the party. This is one of the pictures!
The nervous face at the beginning just go away at the end of the party! Everyone was at the party and enjoy their time.
We can conclude as the floor was on over-capacity, it makes the relation between people physically and psychologically more close.
The atmosphere filled with excitement doesn't end even after the Borderless Christmas !
Good time end so quickly, we took a souvenir picture at the end!
See the close relationship between people! It looks like a family picture!
We cannot imagine that they are all just met a few hours before.
Even after the Christmas party, people cannot forget the atmosphere of excitement and they all went to an Izakaya ( casual Japanese restaurant).
This is a picture of the people who were gathered naturally after the party.
In this picture, we can]j see, a Japanese, a Korean, an Italian, a Russian, a British, and an American.
It completely represents this year's theme: "extends beyond the house, the nationality, and the relation!"
By our Borderless party, a lot of emotional ties beyond nationality and language have arisen!
YOU, who wants to learn English or make international friends, YOU who are interested in a share house!
Borderless House is making many events that can maximize the connection between people.
Borderless House is a place that more than 50 countries are gathering. You can experience English but also so many other languages and cultures. It is a place that you can try national-oversea-experience!
Each sharehouse is made of 50%of foreigners and 50% of Japanese so you can surely experience international interaction!
You are always welcome to experience national-oversea-experience!
The next event is in May 2020 ! We are all waiting for your visit!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year everyone!
Tokyo share house list
Only Tenant program